NeARES Donors
Below, you’ll find a list of folks, both personal and commercial who have assisted NeARES through monetary donations. Please thank them as you see them and for the commercial entities, please support their business ventures. Without these folk’s, we couldn’t do our part!
Ed Holloway, KØRPT
Jim Nelson, WØJRN
Greg Brown, KTØK
Mike Gill, WØMEG
Shaun Munson, KØSMM
Tom Huber, WDØBFO
Art Zygielbaum, KØAIZ
Randy King, KØNC (Kings Inspections)
John Glass, NU6P
Dennis Rosburg, KEØWUE
Curt Pikschus, NØGVK
Mark Doehling, WDØAAH
Jim Deremer, WBØPKY
Jan Parker, WAØLST
Butler County, NE
Hy-Vee (Northern Lights No. 84th)
Dan Witulski, KØORU
Waylon Fisher
North Bend Volunteer Fire Department
Wes Chrisman, KDØPGV
Lincoln Airport Authority
Robert (Bob) Sindlar, KØKPH
Chad County, KFØBYC